Mindful in 5 Podcast

Make Friends With Your Phone

Spiwe Jefferson Season 4 Episode 124

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Could your phone actually enhance your inner peace instead of disrupting it? That's the surprising possibility we unpack in today's episode of Mindful in 5. Today, we shed light on the unexpected ways your digital device can become an ally in your quest for tranquility. Forget the doomscrolling and stress-inducing alerts—your phone can be a cultivated garden, thriving with growth, joy, and peace.

Join us as we explore the journey of Brianna, a relatable figure from the Mindful in 5 book series, who demonstrates the art of setting digital boundaries and using her phone to channel serenity. Brianna's story offers practical tips—from cheerful alarms signaling bedtime to selective content consumption that starts her day with positivity.

We explore how mindful use of technology can lead to a tranquil mind, setting the stage for a serene environment and intentional living. By the end of our session, you'll be inspired to make your phone a tool of tranquility, a reflection of your mindful choices, and a partner in taming your habits for a more peaceful life.

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Spiwe Jefferson:

Hello and welcome to Mindful in 5, helping you discover your peaceful path. I'm your host, spiwa Jefferson, author of the Mindful in 5 book series. Today we are debunking a common myth the belief that your phone is detrimental to your mental health. Our topic is make friends with your phone. It can be done. We're discussing a powerful shift in perspective. Making friends with your phone, that's right. It doesn't have to be the enemy of your phone, that's right. It doesn't have to be the enemy of your peace.

Spiwe Jefferson:

It's easy to fall into patterns where our phones seem like sources of endless stress. From doom scrolling through news to unhealthy comparisons on social media, our devices can feel like pits of negativity. Many of us even start our days by grabbing our phones from our nightstands, plunging into emails and headlines that set a tone of tension before our feet even touch the floor. But here's the clear, hopeful truth. But here's the clear, hopeful truth. The problem isn't the phone itself. It's how we use it. Imagine your phone as a garden. Just as you nurture a garden, you can cultivate your digital space to support growth, joy and peace. It's about making your phone a partner in your journey to mindfulness.

Spiwe Jefferson:

Brianna, one of the characters from the Mindful in 5 book series provides a great example. She starts with something simple setting boundaries. One joyful, effective way she does this is by using her phone to remind her when to start winding down for the evening. She sets a cheerful alarm that plays tranquil, soothing tunes to signal that it's time to begin her bedtime routine. This small step helps ease her out of the day's energy and into a restful night. Next, brianna is intentional about the content she consumes. Her phone is a gateway to peaceful, relaxing experiences. She takes advantage of apps like Calm and Headspace to listen to sleep stories and meditations designed to soothe her mind and help her drift into a gentle, restful sleep. This works wonders for the racing mind. Imagine replacing the habit of nighttime news with a story that wraps your thoughts in warmth and softness, making you feel supported and nurtured as you end your day. Even if you don't want to pay for a subscription for an app, you can find free podcasts that offer soothing bedtime routines, bedtime meditations, bedtime sounds and stories.

Spiwe Jefferson:

Mornings are just as important. How you start your day sets the tone for the hours to come. Instead of jolting awake to alarming news or stressful notifications, brianna uses her phone to play uplifting, energizing content. She intentionally disables all notifications between certain hours so that she doesn't hear the buzzing and dinging and so that her phone isn't consistently and constantly lighting up at night, keeping her awake and disturbing her sleep. As a God lover, she begins her day by listening to the Encounter app. It gives her an excuse to lay in bed for about 18 more minutes after waking, to give herself time to come fully awake. And it's free. This primes her for getting out of bed and heading for her meditation spot, for her first early morning prayer and meditation time and to set her intentions for the day.

Spiwe Jefferson:

How can you apply Brianna's example to your life? Well, what podcast inspires you or what music fills you with joy and energy for your morning workout? Make your first interaction with your phone one that uplifts and supports you, making you feel powerful and prepared for the day ahead. And let's not forget the simple act of being present. Use your phone to set reminders, to take mindful breaks throughout the day. These little nudges can be your cue to step away, take a few deep breaths and reconnect with the present moment, feeling grounded, clear and serene.

Spiwe Jefferson:

I say to my phone, or if I'm in my office where I have a smart speaker, I will simply say wake me up in 30 minutes, and in 30 minutes an alarm goes off that reminds me to take a break from whatever I'm working on so that I can reset and refresh in real time. Your phone is a reflection of your choices. By shifting how you interact with your phone. By shifting how you interact with your phone, you can transform it from a source of stress to a tool of tranquility. Remember, it's all about taming your habits to tame your phone. Thank you for joining me on Mindful in 5 today. Until next time, may you find joy and peace in every moment, supported by the tools around you, even the one that fits right in your hand.

James The Voice:

Until next week. This is Fiwe saying be mindful and be well. Thank you for listening to Mindful in 5. If you enjoyed it, share it with a friend, Follow and rate it on your favorite podcast platform. Pick up your signed copy of the book and journal from spewayjeffersoncom, or unsigned copies from Amazon, Barnes, Noble or wherever you get your books. Visit spewayjeffersoncom to download sample chapters of the book, watch videos and become a mindful ninja. Join us on the LinkedIn Mindful in 5 group and share your thoughts. Until next time, be mindful and be well.