Mindful in 5 Podcast

Season 4 Closeout

Spiwe Jefferson Season 4 Episode 127

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As we wrap up the fourth season of Mindful in 5,  join the celebration of our top episodes and the wisdom they've imparted.

5. Transport yourself back to the joy of our 100th episode, a landmark moment where your transformative stories reminded us all of the power of community and personal growth.

4. Embrace the profound insights from Merie Weissmiller Wallace on the intricate dance between our emotions and health in her first episode titled How Your Emotions Impact Your Health.

3. Discover the resilience strategies from Flex Don't Break.

2. The 99th episode was reflective, introducing the Tension Exercises to reduce stress and acknowledging our past guests and new features like episode transcripts. 

1. Be empowered by the Set the Tone for Success episode, which remains a fan favorite for crafting successful mindsets daily.

As we bid adieu to this season, I'm thrilled to share the release of the third book in the series, Mindful in 5 - God Lovers Edition, a beacon for those yearning to deepen their spiritual journey through mindfulness.

Over the summer, let these episodes be your companions, whether you're soaking up sunshine or wrapping up in a cozy blanket. Remember that mindfulness knows no bounds, and I look forward to staying connected with you through our Facebook page and LinkedIn. 

This isn't just a sign-off; it's an invitation to the adventures that lie ahead.

More Links and Resources

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Mindful in 5, helping you discover your peaceful path. I'm your host, spiwa Jefferson, author of the Mindful in 5 book series. Well, hello Mindful Ninjas, and welcome to the final episode of what has been an incredible fourth season here at Mindful in 5. Today, as we prepare to close this chapter, we are going to highlight and celebrate the moments that have defined these past months. Let's dive into the countdown of our top five episodes, reflecting on their insights and how they've inspired us all. Number five was the 100th episode celebration. Our milestone 100th episode featured heartfelt calls from listeners sharing how mindfulness has transformed their lives. This celebration of community and personal growth was a true highlight of our season. Community and personal growth was a true highlight of our season.

Speaker 1:

Number four flex don't break. Actually, there was a tie Flex don't break and how your emotions impact your health. In flex don't break, we explored resilience and adaptability, learning to maintain strength amid adversity. Also tied at number four was how your emotions impact your health. This was the first of three episodes I recorded with my guest Mary Weissmiller Wallace, and we discussed the profound connection between emotional well-being and physical health, underscoring the benefits of mindful living. At number two was the 99th episode. This was reflective, introducing the tension exercise to reduce stress and acknowledging our past guests and new features like the episode transcripts. We also celebrated our recognition by Feedspot as a top mindfulness podcast. It was in the top 25, as I recall. If you did not catch this episode, I encourage you to go check it out, even if just to listen to how to do the tension exercise, which I do on a regular basis and which is incredibly helpful for finding and releasing tension in your bodies. This is especially helpful for those of us who spend a lot of time at our desks, and the number one, most popular Mindful in 5 episode of season four was Set the tone for success. This episode offers strategies for creating successful mindsets and environments. This guidance helps listeners like you, mindful ninjas, take charge from the start of your day, navigating through challenges with a positive outlook and consistently even and peaceful equanimity.

Speaker 1:

Season 4 also celebrated the release of Mindful in 5 God Lovers Edition, translating mindfulness practices for those seeking to deepen their relationship with God. Relationship with God, available along with the classic edition on spioujeffersoncom, amazon and your favorite online book retailer. Feel free to grab a copy of any one of these books to help your mindfulness meditation journey along. And if you, particularly if you got your book from Amazon, I would really love it if you would go back to Amazon and provide a rating, especially if you liked the book, because your rating helps increase the visibility of the book so that other mindful ninjas can find it too. If you go to Amazon and you can't remember the name of the book, just run a search for Speway, jefferson and you will see all the books.

Speaker 1:

So, as we say goodbye to this season, I encourage you all to take these lessons and carry them into your summer break. Whether you're enjoying the warmth of the Northern Hemisphere or keeping cozy in the Southern Hemisphere, remember that mindfulness knows no boundaries and can be embraced from any corner of the world. Thank you, mindful Ninjas, for your engagement, your stories and your spirit. This break time reflect, enjoy and prepare for the next chapter of the Mindful in 5 podcast series and, even more importantly, the next chapter of your own life's adventures. I am celebrating a birthday this month Woo-hoo in addition to all the wonderful May birthdays. So it's an especially wonderful season for me. Stay connected with yourself and those around you. Stay connected to me. Feel free to send me a note on LinkedIn. If you aren't already, you can send me a note and you can join the Mindful in 5 LinkedIn page and keep nurturing the practices that have brought you this far.

Speaker 1:

This is a great time to revisit the past episodes that we have had, so take a scroll through and pick some that really speak to you in this moment, because something that may not have seemed that relevant to you before might seem incredibly relevant to you in the season of your life right now. You can find links to the top five episodes of the season in the notes for this podcast. So enjoy, revisit and refresh Until next season. This is BeWear, signing off and saying be mindful and be well.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for listening to Mindful in 5. If you enjoyed it, share it with a friend, follow and rate it on your favorite podcast platform. Pick up your signed copy of the book and journal from spiwejeffersoncom, or unsigned copies from Amazon, barnes, noble or wherever you get your books. Visit spewayjeffersoncom to download sample chapters of the book, watch videos and become a mindful ninja. Join us on the LinkedIn Mindful in 5 group and share your thoughts. Until next time, be mindful and be well.