Mindful in 5 Podcast

Rethink Your Morning Routine

Spiwe Jefferson Season 4 Episode 126

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Ever wonder why your mornings feel like a chaotic rush? How about transforming that frenzy into a serene and focused start to your day?

Join the Mindful Ninjas on Mindful in 5 as we uncover the secrets behind crafting a morning routine that aligns with your natural circadian rhythms. We'll explore the science of how our bodies wake up and why understanding these rhythms can significantly boost your productivity and well-being. Learn how dedicating just five minutes each morning to stillness, breath focus, and intention setting can turn your mornings from stressful to serene.

Say goodbye to doom scrolling and waking up to stress. This episode offers practical tips to manage your phone use and start your day on a positive note. By respecting your internal clock and carving out peaceful moments each morning, you can face the day with clarity and calm.

As your guide, Spiwe will walk you through the steps to build a morning routine that supports a harmonious and successful day ahead. Tune in for a refreshing take on mornings that will leave you feeling grounded and ready to conquer whatever comes your way. Be mindful and be well.

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Hello and welcome to Mindful in 5, helping you discover your peaceful path. I'm your host, spiwa Jefferson, author of the Mindful in 5 book series. Have you ever felt like your mornings are chaotic and stressful, leaving you feeling frazzled for the rest of the day? What if there was a way to start your day feeling peaceful, clear and focused? The title of today's episode is Rethink your Morning Routine. Let's explore how rethinking your morning routine can set a more positive tone for your entire day.


Many of us are guilty of leaping out of bed and rushing into our day in a panic, but just like a car needs a moment for all its engine processes to engage before driving, our brains and bodies need time to properly wake up and transition from sleep to alertness. Our natural circadian rhythms regulate this sleep-wake cycle. These internal clocks are influenced by light and help determine when we feel sleepy or wakeful. Upon waking, we experience a natural rise in cortisol that helps us feel alert. This cortisol awakening response typically peaks 30 to 45 minutes after waking. By understanding our own circadian rhythms and chronotype, which means whether we're morning larks or night owls, we can optimize our schedules for productivity and well-being. Experts recommend keeping consistent wake times, even on weekends, to keep our internal clocks running smoothly.


But beyond just waking up, taking a few intentional minutes each morning to peacefully collect yourself and set a positive tone for the day can make a world of difference. Imagine starting your mornings feeling grounded, joyful and supported, rather than stressed and hurried. Stressed and hurried. Even just five minutes of sitting in stillness, focusing on your breath and setting intentions for the day can help you face the day with greater clarity, focus and a sense of calm. This softer, more mindful start activates a readiness in the brain and body to handle whatever comes your way. So tomorrow morning, resist the urge to fly out of bed in a frenzy. Allow yourself a few peaceful moments to consciously begin your day. Notice how this leaves you feeling more cheerful, centered and ready for what lies ahead.


If you are feeling like you are slavish to your phone and you can't help doom scrolling, and you can't help checking emails first thing in the morning, even before you get out of bed, I invite you to listen to our previous episode titled Make Friends With your Phone for tips and strategies on how to tame your relationship with your phone. Rethinking your morning routine in this way can truly transform your day from hectic to harmonious. In conclusion, the science of how the brain wakes up underscores the importance of understanding and respecting our natural circadian rhythms. By tracking and adapting our behavior to these rhythms, we can optimize our wakefulness, productivity and well-being. So take it easy in the morning. Build the ideal wake-up routine that will set you up for success the rest of the day, until next time. This is Be Weigh saying be mindful and be well.


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