Mindful in 5 Podcast

What Optimism is and Why We All Want It with Brent

Spiwe Jefferson Season 3 Episode 70

The celebration of a new year brings hope and optimism for many of us. We toast, hug, kiss, and look forward to the new year with great anticipation. 

And just as well because optimism has been linked to numerous mental and physical health benefits, including increased life expectancy, better cardiovascular health, and improved immune function. 

But perhaps most importantly, optimism helps us to see the world in a more positive light. It gives us the energy and motivation to tackle challenges and pursue our goals, and helps us to bounce back from setbacks and failures. 

Join my returning guest, Brent, and me, as we unpack the notion of optimism, which infects so many of us at the beginning of each year. So why do we all want optimism? 

Key Topics Discussed 

  • The increase in importance of mental health and wellness 
  • How we define optimism 
  • What optimism is not 
  • The scientific benefits of optimism 
  • The optimist’s approach to life challenges 
  • The relationship between optimism and self-confidence (check out Dorothy-Inez’s episodes on cultivating self-confidence) 
  • What to do if you are not naturally happy 

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