Mindful in 5 Podcast

Mindful Goals Beat Resolutions

Spiwe Jefferson Season 5 Episode 161

Learn from Akar in the Mindful in 5 book 

Eighty-eight percent of people abandon their New Year's resolutions just two weeks in. 

But what if you could break free from that statistic and truly transform your aspirations? Join the Mindful Ninjas as we unravel the secrets to mindful goal setting. Through the SMART+ technique, you'll learn to set goals that are not just specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, but also connected to your deepest desires. This approach will help you craft a joyful roadmap that keeps you motivated and centered even amidst your busiest days.

This episode invites you to explore a practical example from my book, Mindful in 5, where the character discovers the power of a morning meditation routine. Learn how calming your mind with simple strategies can elevate both your personal and professional life. We'll guide you in harnessing the power of mindfulness to stay true to your path, ensuring that your career ambitions are aligned with a peaceful, resilient mindset. It's time to embrace a beginner's mind, and turn your goals into realities with optimism and clarity. Tune in and empower your life with purpose and intention, one mindful step at a time.

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Spiwe Jefferson:

Welcome to Mindful in 5, where busy professionals find your peaceful oasis to thrive in complex work environments. I am Spiwe Jefferson attorney, certified mindfulness practitioner and author of the Mindful in 5 book series. Here to guide you to a clearer, softer and more supported life. Join me and your fellow Mindful Ninjas as we explore science-backed mindfulness strategies for successful leaders that you can implement, starting with just five minutes a day. Elevate your work, empower your life, work higher, live stronger. Let's go.

Spiwe Jefferson:

Do you find your professional aspirations clouded by vague intentions? Clouded by vague intentions? Yearning for a clearer path to success? Did you start off your year only to find your great resolutions derailed already? According to research by the Baylor College of Medicine, 88% of resolution makers abandon their goals within the first two weeks of January. This rapid decline in commitment is even more dramatic than the commonly cited Quitter's Day. Have you ever heard of Quitter's Day? Quitter's Day have you ever heard of Quitter's Day? It's generally the second Friday in January, which sees 23% of people give up on their resolutions by that point.

Spiwe Jefferson:

Today we are beating failed resolutions with mindful goal setting. Resurrect your good intentions with a peaceful approach to getting back on track that is kind to yourself and will provide clarity and increase the likelihood of your consistency, I like to say mindfulness is being present in the moment, without judgment and without being overwhelmed by what's happening around you. I say that now because it's easy to beat yourself up for your abandoned resolutions. Well, the good news is you are not alone. In fact, by now, you could be sitting with a good 88% of New Year's resolutioners who gave up already. Ineffective resolution setting can dim the cheerful light of your career ambitions, leaving you feeling unsupported and disconnected from what could otherwise be a joyful journey of professional growth. If this is you, I encourage you to consider mindful goal setting as a way to bring a clearer, more peaceful approach to your career planning or whatever you set your mind to. And, like the kids in this season's imagery, I invite you to come at it with a beginner's mind Curious, trusting, authentic, creative, resilient and optimistic. Now imagine having a joyful roadmap for your growth, with achievable milestones that keep you peacefully motivated. By mastering strategic goal setting, you can transform your aspirations into a clear, supportive reality.

Spiwe Jefferson:

So let's explore this mindful goal setting technique that I call SMART plus goal setting. Here's how it works. The S is for specific. This is just like those of you who know how to set smart goals right. The S is for specific Define your goal with joyful clarity, not dread. Not here I go again. Not, this didn't work before, but clarity and optimism. Like I can do this, I've totally got this. And then you want to make it measurable. Establish cheerful, concrete criteria for progress. Step three make it achievable. Ensure that the goal feels peacefully attainable, not stressful or strenuous. Step four make it relevant. Align the goal with your broader positive vision. Step five make it time bound. Set a clear, supportive deadline. And number six this is the plus, plus emotional Connect the goal to a deeper, peaceful purpose that you care about. Now let's look at a practical example of how a busy professional might apply this mindful, smart plus framework.

Spiwe Jefferson:

In my book Mindful in 5, meditations for People with no Time, and its companion, the God Lover's Edition, we meet a car whose attempts to learn how to center himself go in fits and starts in the same way that many of us learn. If he were using this smart plus method, it would look like this he would set his goal, which would be to create a morning meditation routine to center himself and cultivate mental clarity and start each workday with intention. That was actually his goal in the book. So this goal would be specific. I will meditate in the same spot in my home each morning before checking emails or starting work, by sitting in stillness for at least five minutes to reflect on the day ahead and how I choose to show up in it. And how I choose to show up in it, god lovers, I like to say prayer. Is you talking to God? And meditation, is you creating space for God to talk to you? So, in Akar's case, he might mentally lay out his day for God and invite God to share with him whatever insights or direction he chooses, whatever insights or direction he chooses.

Spiwe Jefferson:

Step two in making that goal measurable the heart of the mindful in five approach is the idea that you can change your day and your life by centering yourself, starting with just five minutes a day. So a car's goal would be to sit and center himself for at least five minutes, at least four, ideally all five weekday mornings per week. He can also note his insights, mood and energy levels by journaling afterwards. And then, in step three, making it achievable, he would start with five minutes and let's say he does start with four days a week. He decides this is doable within his current schedule, especially since he can wake up just five minutes earlier, earlier. This practice is even better if he does it in a spot that he uses only for that purpose, so that every time he goes and sits in that one spot, his mind and body automatically go into that peaceful state as the habit builds. It doesn't have to be a whole room, it can be a corner of a room or a small closet or any spot where he can feel that peaceful energy.

Spiwe Jefferson:

And then number four relevance. This practice aligns with a car's goal of being a more present and balanced leader at work who is less triggered by his awful boss In the book. This was why he wanted to learn how to meditate in the first place. This practice will also help him make clearer decisions and model healthy habits for his team. And then step five time bound. Akar made the commitment to establish this as a consistent routine within the next 30 days, starting this Monday. And then number six emotional. This practice connects to Akar's deeper desire to lead from a place of wisdom and calm presence rather than reactivity. It will help him show up as the kind of mindful professional he aspires to be, benefiting both his well-being and his positive impact on others.

Spiwe Jefferson:

If you establish and stick to a goal you set using this framework, you are significantly more likely to achieve it, fostering a more joyful and clear professional journey. Here is a hopefully thought-provoking perspective, because I like to infuse at least something for you to think about in each episode that gets you kind of thinking. Your goals are not just endpoints. They are peaceful compasses that are guiding your daily decisions, hopefully with joyful intention, your daily decisions, hopefully with joyful intention. It's more about the journey than the goal itself, which will be met if you just stick to the journey. So here is your cheerful challenge of the week Set one professional, smart plus goal.

Spiwe Jefferson:

Break it down into one small activity that you can do each day that you plan to work on, and just focus on that one thing for that one day. The rest of the year will take care of itself. If you are ready to make this your most peaceful and successful year yet, pick up your copy of either the Mindful in 5 book and journal or the God Lovers edition and journal from spewayjeffersoncom and let Akar and his centering coach, chantel walk you step-by-step through the process of getting started. Click the link in the show notes to pick up your copy and start setting yourself up for clearer, more joyful success in this new year. Remember, effective goal setting is a skill that improves with peaceful practice. Regularly review and adjust your goals as you grow, maintaining a cheerful and supportive approach to your professional development. May your year ahead be filled with clear purpose and focused achievement.


ournal from spiwejefferson. com, or unsigned copies from Amazon, barnes, noble or wherever you get your books. Visit to download sample chapters of the book, watch videos and become a mindful ninja. Join us on the LinkedIn Mindful in 5 group and share your thoughts. Until next time, be mindful and be well.